For Lebanon Seaboard, Agronomy is the application of science and technology from the fields of biology, chemistry, ecology, soil science, and pest management for the improvement and management of plant species in turf and ornamentals. This knowledge is critical in everything we do whether it is in developing new products, in communicating how to use our products or in creating application programs for landscape professionals.

This is why we maintain a very knowledgeable team of professionals in developmental science, chemistry, regulatory, customer service, consumer response and experienced product managers. Not only do we have the right people, we have many people with long careers in the the turf and ornamental industries giving both knowledge and experience..

Additionally, we partner with many organizations to increase our access to information and expertise to better service our customers and consumers. This includes RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment), Universities for R&D (Rutgers, Purdue, Penn State and more) and a number of industry associations (GCSAA, NALP).